Prioritization Methods- Few Examples

Examples to illustrate how prioritization should be done using different techniques:

  1. MoSCoW Method:
    • Must Have: Implement user authentication for the application.
    • Should Have: Add a search feature to the application.
    • Could Have: Integrate social media sharing options in the application.
    • Won’t Have: Develop a gamification system for user engagement.
  2. Weighted Scoring:
    • Feature 1: Customer Impact (7/10) x Business Value (8/10) x Technical Feasibility (9/10) = 50.4
    • Feature 2: Customer Impact (9/10) x Business Value (6/10) x Technical Feasibility (7/10) = 37.8
    • Feature 3: Customer Impact (6/10) x Business Value (9/10) x Technical Feasibility (8/10) = 43.2
    Based on weighted scoring, Feature 1 would have the highest priority.
  3. Kano Model:
    • Feature 1: Implementing a Live Chat Support System – Delighters (High customer satisfaction)
    • Feature 2: Improving Loading Speed of the Website – Satisfiers (Directly impact customer satisfaction)
    • Feature 3: Enhancing Mobile Responsiveness – Basics (Expected functionality, but won’t significantly impact satisfaction)
    Prioritize the delighters first, followed by satisfiers, and then basics.
  4. Cost of Delay:
    • Feature 1: An urgent bug fix that affects a large number of users and results in data loss.
    • Feature 2: A new feature that is not urgent but could significantly impact customer retention and acquisition.
    • Feature 3: A minor enhancement with limited impact on customers.
    Prioritize the urgent bug fix (Feature 1) first, as the cost of delaying it is high, then focus on the new feature (Feature 2) to maximize potential benefits.
  5. Customer Feedback and Requests:
    • Analyze customer feedback and support requests to identify common pain points and feature requests.
    • Prioritize addressing the most frequent and critical issues raised by customers to enhance user satisfaction and retention.
  6. Strategic Initiatives:
    • Consider strategic goals, such as expanding into a new market segment or improving product sustainability.
    • Prioritize initiatives that align with the long-term vision and growth objectives of the company.
  7. Business Metrics:
    • Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the product’s success, such as conversion rate, user retention, or revenue growth.
    • Prioritize features or projects that directly impact these metrics to drive business growth.

Remember that the prioritization techniques used will depend on the specific context of the product, the organization, and the goals. Combining multiple techniques and regularly reviewing priorities ensures that your product team remains focused on delivering maximum value to customers and the business.

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