Kano Model

The Kano Model is a theory of customer satisfaction and product development developed by Professor Noriaki Kano in the 1980s. It categorizes product attributes based on how they impact customer satisfaction and provides valuable insights for product managers and designers to prioritize features and enhance the overall user experience. Let’s explore the Kano Model in … Read more

Weighted Scoring Model for Powerful Prioritization

The Weighted Scoring Model is a powerful prioritization technique used by product managers and project teams to objectively evaluate and rank items based on multiple criteria. By assigning weights to each criterion, the model allows stakeholders to emphasize the importance of specific factors in the decision-making process. This method is particularly useful when there are … Read more

MoSCoW Method of Prioritization

The MoSCoW method is a prioritization technique commonly used in project management and product development to categorize tasks or features into four priority levels: Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, and Won’t Have. The method helps teams focus on delivering essential and high-priority items while still considering other optional features or requirements. Let’s delve into … Read more

Prioritization Methods- Few Examples

Examples to illustrate how prioritization should be done using different techniques: Remember that the prioritization techniques used will depend on the specific context of the product, the organization, and the goals. Combining multiple techniques and regularly reviewing priorities ensures that your product team remains focused on delivering maximum value to customers and the business.

Art of Influencing without Authority as a Product Manager

Influencing without authority is a crucial skill for a Product Manager (PM) because they often work with cross-functional teams where they may not have direct authority over team members. Here are some strategies for a PM to effectively influence others without formal authority: Remember that influencing without authority is an ongoing process that requires patience, … Read more

Levels in Product Management

Product management typically involves various levels within an organization, each with its specific focus and responsibilities. Here are the different levels of product management: Each level of product management comes with increasing responsibility, strategic influence, and leadership opportunities. As product managers move up the ladder, they are expected to demonstrate strong leadership skills, a deep … Read more

What is Lean Product Management?

Lean Product Management is an approach to product development and management that focuses on maximizing value for customers while minimizing waste. It draws heavily from the principles and practices of Lean Manufacturing and Lean Startup. At its core, Lean Product Management emphasizes iterative and incremental development, continuous learning, and customer-centricity. It aims to create products … Read more